Deutsch Englisch

The Counselling Center

The specialist counselling center KOBI advises and supports persons affected by trafficking in Human Beings for sexual exploitation and forced marriage throughout the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


KOBI is the point of contact for trafficked persons as well as for professionals and institutions. Our core tasks are, in particular, psychosocial counseling for those affected, training and support for professionals, as well as networking, public relations and prevention work. The KOBI specialist advice center is funded by the Ministry of Justice, Equality and Consumer Protection via the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGuS).


As part of its outreach work, KOBI is active throughout the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The counseling follows the principles of impartiality and confidentiality. As a member organization of KOK e.V. - German NGO Network against trafficking in Human Beings - KOBI is committed to the quality standards and guiding principles for specialist counselling centres against human trafficking, which have been laid down in the handbook on training and further education and quality assurance for specialist counselling centres for trafficked persons since 2012 and are continuously being further developed.  

The support services for persons affected by trafficking in Human Beings for sexual exploitation include:

  • Psychosocial counselling and stabilizing talks

  • Support in finding suitable and safe accommodation

  • Advice on the risk situation, protection and safety

  • Support with access to social benefits

  • Referral to medical or therapeutic treatment

  • Information about rights and referral to legal assistance

  • Referral to specialist advice centers for victims of human trafficking and forced marriage throughout Germany

  • Return assistance


All counseling is confidential and can also take place anonymously, if desired.


For those affected by (imminent) forced marriage, we can currently provide specialist advice for authorities, institutions and social facilities.